Documentation of ReShade.ini settings (2024)

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9 months 2 weeks ago#1by brussellDocumentation of ReShade.ini settings? was created by brussell

Is there a place to view all the availabe ini settings, beside the mentionings in the changelogs?
For example the [app] or [install] settings, etc.
I think an overview as with the fx language would be pretty useful, considering the several added options over the years.

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  • crosire
  • Documentation of ReShade.ini settings (2)


9 months 2 weeks ago - 9 months 2 weeks ago#2by crosireReplied by crosire on topic Documentation of ReShade.ini settings?

Here you go:

  • Disable=<0/1>
    When one, disable ReShade completely for this instance.
  • NoDebugInfo=<0/1>
    When one (the default), do not add file and line information to the code the effect compiler generates. This reduces the size of the generated code and makes it cache better, but may produce more cryptic error messages if compilation fails.
  • NoEffectCache=<0/1>
    When one, disable caching of compiled effects entirely (the default is zero). This is not recommended.
  • NoReloadOnInit=<0/1>
    When one, do not automatically load effects during initialization (the default is zero). This means effects will have to be manually loaded by pressing the "Reload" button in the overlay or hitting the configured reload keyboard shortcut.
  • NoReloadOnInitForNonVR=<0/1>
    When one, do not automatically load effects during initialization of instances that are not in VR. This is useful if you are running in VR and only want to apply effects inside VR and not pay performance for also applying them outside on the monitor.
  • EffectSearchPaths=<list>
    List of directory paths separated by comma that ReShade should look for and load effect files (with .fx file extension) from.
  • TextureSearchPaths=<list>
    List of directory paths separated by comma that ReShade should look for image files in.
  • PerformanceMode=<0/1>
    When one, enable performance mode (default is zero). Performance mode compiles effects with a higher optimization level and replaces all uniform variables with constants (based on the values in the preset) to further increase optimization potential.
  • PreprocessorDefinitions=<list>
    List of preprocessor definitions that should be set for all effects being compiled.
  • SkipLoadingDisabledEffects=<0/1>
    When one, avoid loading any effects that are not present in the current preset, to speed up initialization time.
  • IntermediateCachePath=<path>
    Path to a directory that ReShade should store the effect cache in.
  • StartupPresetPath=<path>
    Path to a preset file that ReShade should always switch to during initialization, or empty to use the last chosen one.
  • PresetPath=<path>
    Path to the last chosen aka current preset file (with .ini file extension).
  • PresetTransitionDuration=<0-10000>
    Time in milliseconds for a smooth transition when switching presets to take place (Only applies to floating-point values in those presets).
  • PresetShortcutKeys=<list>
    List of keyboard shortcuts set to trigger a preset switch.
  • PresetShortcutPaths=<list>
    List of paths to preset files to switch to when pressing the corresponding keyboard shortcut in "PresetShortcutKeys"
  • GamepadNavigation=<0/1>
    When one, enables support for navigating the overlay with a Xbox controller (the default is zero). This includes opening the overlay with left + right shoulder button + menu button on the controller.
  • InputProcessing=<0/1>
    Choose how input should be passed on to the application (0 = Pass on all input, 1 = Block input when cursor is on overlay, 2 = Block all input when overlay is visible)
  • ForceShortcutModifiers=<0/1>
    When one (the default), the Ctrl, Shift and Alt key state has to match that specified in a keyboard shortcut exactly. When 0, those modifier key state only has to match when down.
    For example, given a keyboard shortcut of 32,1,0,0 aka Ctrl+Space and pressing both Ctrl and Space, with ForceShortcutModifiers=0 this shortcut is also still triggered when additionally pressing Shift or Alt, whereas with ForceShortcutModifiers=1 this shortcut is not triggered if those are pressed too.
  • KeyScreenshot=<0-255>,<0/1>,<0/1>,<0/1>
    Keyboard shortcut that when pressed triggers a screenshot capture. First value is the key code, second is a boolean indicating Ctrl key state, third a boolean indicating Shift key state and fourth a boolean indicating Alt key state.
  • KeyEffects=<0-255>,<0/1>,<0/1>,<0/1>
    Keyboard shortcut that when pressed toggles all effects on or off.
  • KeyNextPreset=<0-255>,<0/1>,<0/1>,<0/1>
    Keyboard shortcut that when pressed triggers a switch to the next preset adjacent in the current preset directory.
  • KeyPreviousPreset=<0-255>,<0/1>,<0/1>,<0/1>
    Keyboard shortcut that when pressed triggers a switch to the previous preset adjacent in the current preset directory.
  • KeyPerformanceMode=<0-255>,<0/1>,<0/1>,<0/1>
    Keyboard shortcut that when pressed toggles performance mode on or off.
  • KeyReload=<0-255>,<0/1>,<0/1>,<0/1>
    Keyboard shortcut that when pressed triggers a reload.
  • KeyOverlay=<0-255>,<0/1>,<0/1>,<0/1>
    Keyboard shortcut that when pressed toggles the overlay visible or hidden.
  • SavePath=<path>
    Path to a directory to save screenshot files in.
  • SoundPath=<path>
    Path to a WAV audio file to play when a screenshot is taken, or empty to not play a sound.
  • ClearAlpha=<0/1>
    When one, clear the alpha channel to one before saving a screenshot image, rather than preserving the original values.
  • FileFormat=<0/1/2>
    Image file format to save screenshots as (0 = BMP, 1 = PNG, 2 = JPEG)
  • JPEGQuality=<0-100>
    Quality value that affects compression and quality of the created JPEG files.
  • SaveBeforeShot=<0/1>
    When one, save an additional screenshot taken before effects are applied.
  • SavePresetFile=<0/1>
    When one, save the current preset file next to the screenshot image.
  • SaveOverlayShot=<0/1>
    When one, save an additional screenshot taken after the overlay was rendered.
  • PostSaveCommand=<path>
    Path to an executable that should be launched after a screenshot was taken and saved.
  • PostSaveCommandArguments=<...>
    Command-line arguments that said executable should be launched with.
  • PostSaveCommandWorkingDirectory=<path>
    Path to a directory said executable should be launched in.
  • PostSaveCommandNoWindow=<0/1>
    When one, hide the main window created by said executable, otherwise just launch normally.
  • ClockFormat=<0/1>
    When one, the overlay clock shows seconds (HH:mm:ss), when zero it doesn't (HH:mm)
  • FPSPosition=<0/1/2/3>
    Chooses which corner of the screen the FPS/clock overlay should be positioned in (0 = Top left, 1 = Top right, 2 = Bottom left, 3 = Bottom right)
  • NoFontScaling=<0/1>
    When one, ignore Ctrl+mouse wheel. When zero, allow changing the font size by pressing Ctrl and moving the mouse wheel up (increase) or down (decrease).
  • ShowClock=<0/1/2>
  • ShowFPS=<0/1/2>
  • ShowFrameTime=<0/1/2>
  • ShowForceLoadEffectsButton=<0/1>
  • ShowScreenshotMessage=<0/1>
  • TutorialProgress=<0-4>
  • AutoSavePreset=<0/1>
    When one, automatically save the current preset file whenever a change occurs.
  • ShowPresetTransitionMessage=<0/1>
    When one, show a notification whenever the preset is switched.
  • Alpha=<0.0-1.0>
    Transparency of the overlay.
  • ColFPSText=<0.0-1.0>,<0.0-1.0>,<0.0-1.0>
    RGB values describing the color of the FPS/clock overlay text.
  • Font=<path>
    Path to a TTF font file used to display text in the overlay, or empty to use the default.
  • EditorFont=<path>
    Path to a TTF font file used to display text in the code editor, or empty to use the default.
  • FontSize=<0-100>
    Size of the font used to display text in the overlay.
  • EditorFontSize=<0-100>
    Size of the font used to display text in the code editor.
  • HdrOverlayBrightness=<...>
    HDR reference white as per BT.2408.
  • HdrOverlayOverwriteColorSpaceTo=<0/1/2/3>
    Color space to interpret the overlay in (0 = Use default, 1 = sRGB non-linear, 2 = extended sRGB non-linear, 3 = HDR10 ST2084, 4 = HDR10 HLG)

Last edit: 9 months 2 weeks ago by crosire.

The following user(s) said Thank You: brussell, acknowledge, HekutoruMAC, The Iron Wolf

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  • brussell
  • Documentation of ReShade.ini settings (3)Topic Author


9 months 2 weeks ago#3by brussellReplied by brussell on topic Documentation of ReShade.ini settings?

Thanks! But many are missing, like [Depth] or these ones:


By missing the changelogs, one wouldn't even know about them.

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  • crosire
  • Documentation of ReShade.ini settings (4)


9 months 2 weeks ago - 9 months 2 weeks ago#4by crosireReplied by crosire on topic Documentation of ReShade.ini settings?

You are right, those were only the config options local to an effect runtime instance (ReShade.ini/ReShade2.ini/ReShade3.ini/... in the configured base directory).
There are also some global options (ReShade.ini next to the application executable):

  • BasePath=<path>
    Path to a directory that should be used as base for all relative paths and default to store effect runtime instance configuration, log file etc. in.
  • ModulePath=<path>
    Path to a directory that should be used to load proxied system DLLs from (e.g. when installed as dxgi.dll, the original dxgi.dll will be loaded from this path). This can be used to set up proxy chains.
  • EnableLogging=<0/1>
    When one (the default), enables logging to ReShade.log. Otherwise no log is written.
  • PreventUnloading=<0/1>
    When one, prevents the ReShade DLL from being unloaded once it was loaded into the application once. This can fix crashes in some cases where an application would unload ReShade early while still in use.
  • AddonPath=<path>
    Path to a directory to look for and load add-ons (with .addon, .addon32 or .addon64 file extension) from.
  • DisabledAddons=<list>
    List of names of add-ons that should be disabled (not loaded).
  • ForceWindowed=<0/1>
    When one, forces the application into windowed mode [D3D9/10/11/12 only].
  • ForceFullscreen=<0/1>
    When one, forces the application into fullscreen exclusive mode [D3D9/10/11/12 only].
  • ForceDefaultRefreshRate=<0/1>
    When one, forces the application to use the default screen refresh rate for presentation [D3D9/10/11/12 only].
  • ForceResolution=<0-...>,<0-...>
    Forces the swap chain resolution to the specified values, or zero to not change it [D3D9/10/11/12 only].
  • Force10BitFormat=<0/1>
    When one, forces the swap chain format to a 10-bit variant (instead of the usual 8-bit) [D3D9/10/11/12 only].
  • ForceVsync=<0/1>
    When one, forces the application to usevertical sync for presentation [D3D9/10/11/12 only].
  • ReserveBufferNames=<0-...>
    Reserve the specified number of buffer names before generating any buffers for ReShade use [OpenGL only]. Some old OpenGL games use fixed buffer names and as such it can otherwise happen that ReShade generates buffers with the same name that conflict.
  • ReserveTextureNames=<0-...>
    Reserve the specified number of texture names before generating any texture for ReShade use [OpenGL only]. Some old OpenGL games use fixed texture names and as such it can otherwise happen that ReShade generates textures with the same name that conflict.

The Generic Depth add-on adds a couple more:

  • DisableINTZ=<0/1>
    When one, disables format replacement of depth buffer resources with the INTZ format [D3D9 only]. This can prevent artifacts (due to the format having less precision than some other depth formats), but will also make it impossible for ReShade to use those depth buffers and thus can break depth access completely.
  • UseAspectRatioHeuristics=<0/1/2>
    Chooses the heuristics used to choose a depth buffer based on its resolution compared to the presentation resolution (0 = try all depth buffers, 1 = only contemplate depth buffers with a matching aspect ratio, 2 = similar to 1, but a bit more relaxed to also cover DLSS and resolution scaling cases)
  • DepthCopyBeforeClears=<0/1/2>
    Choose whether to back up depth buffer data during the frame or not (0 = use chosen depth buffer as-is at the end of the frame, 1 = copy depth buffer data before clear operations, 2 = copy depth buffer data during frame and before fullscreen draw calls)
  • DepthCopyAtClearIndex=<0-...>
    Index of the clear operation during the frame at which to perform the copy (if DepthCopyBeforeClears is not zero), starting with one. Or set to zero to automatically choose based on a heuristic.

Last edit: 9 months 2 weeks ago by crosire.

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Documentation of ReShade.ini settings (2024)
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